Do Electric Recliner Chairs Use a Lot of Electricity?

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Electric reclining chairs, sometimes called “power recliners” or “motorised recliners”, allow for a range of movements when people are sitting down. The user’s legs can be elevated and/or their back lowered to a comfortable position for reading, watching TV, resting or sleeping.

Some electric recliners come with additional features such as the ability to “rise and recline”, where the seat also lifts forward to support the sitter’s weight as they sit down and stand up.

How do electric recliners work?

Although they look like any other high back chair or sofa when in their unused default position, recliners allow for their leg rest and back support to raise and lower. They sometimes offer other features, such as massage or heat, to help the user get even more comfortable and to take on stiff and painful areas. These functions, along with the rise and recline motors, are controlled by pressing buttons on a simple remote control that is attached to the chair.

Who might benefit from using an electric recliner?

Owing to their range of movement, recliners are often favoured by people who are elderly, have limited mobility, or those who suffer from back pain or joint aches, particularly if experienced when seated in a traditional chair. 

Some electric recliner users also have issues with going upstairs to bed. Instead, sleeping in a recliner chair can be a helpful option.

Do electric recliners have to be plugged in?

 Electric recliners have an in-built motor (or several motors if you purchased a chair with more options for positions) to allow for the lowering and raising of their various parts. The majority of recliners therefore have to be plugged into a mains socket in order to work. Some recliners can run on a battery but this is less common. Many recliners have an integrated back-up battery system so that if the chair is reclined in the event of a power cut, the person can put it back to the sitting position and stand up.

A “freedom pack” is an additional option. This means that the chair can work without being plugged in for of 80–100 cycles. (One cycle is putting it into a reclined position and a second cycle would be putting it back to a sitting position.)

Do electric recliners use a lot of electricity? 

Considering the amount of movement these chairs offer, you might be wondering, “how much energy does a power recliner use?”. Although the amount of electricity consumed varies depending on the specific chair and its use, recliners reportedly use around 14W on standby and 58W to complete a standard motion. Speak to your energy supplier to work out exactly how much this equates to. However, rest assured that whilst on standby, an electric recliner uses about 5p of electricity a day.

Energy saving tips for power recliners

If you would like to invest in a recliner but are concerned about the amount of energy it requires, follow some of these steps to help keep your electricity bills low:

1.   Switch off the recliner when not in use

When the recliner chair is switched on at the plug the amount of energy it uses is negligible. So switching it off at the plug will save that small amount of power, much like turning your TV off at the plug does. Every little helps.

2.   Get the right sized recliner for you

Choose the right sized recliner to reduce unnecessary energy use. A larger chair, for example, requires more energy to power.

3.   Buy a recliner with an energy efficient motor

As well as purchasing the right sized reclining chair, the motors inside vary in energy efficiency. Ask questions from our specialists to ensure you buy the most efficient motor for your budget.

4.   Have the motor serviced if need be

Many recliner chairs come with a warranty (including a five-year warranty from the Mobility Furniture Company). So if you think the motor is not being as efficient as it could, you can easily have it checked to find out.

5.   Limit changing position

When the chair isn’t moving, it uses less power. Save electricity by simply not moving the chair as often if need be.

6.   Try to move with the recliner

If you are able, moving with the recliner to exert less pressure on the motor will save energy. When you put less pressure on the chair’s moving parts, the motor doesn’t have to work so hard.

7.   Additional features may use more energy

Add-on features such as heating or vibration contribute to electricity use too. If you are concerned by this, ask your retailer how energy efficient these features are before your purchase.

8.   Use an energy monitor to keep costs in check

An energy reader can allow you to keep track of just how much electricity you are using at any time. This helps with budgeting, and allows you to ensure your appliances are only using the expected amount of energy.

The Bottom Line

The advantages, comfort and enhanced quality of life that electric recliners can bring should enjoyed by everybody, including those who are concerned by their energy use. There are numerous ways in which extra electricity usage can be combated – good news for the environment and the purse strings.

Concerns and questions about any aspect of buying or living with an electric recliner can be answered by our helpful and knowledgeable team of specialists.

Andy Cox

Andy has worked for 12 years in the Mobility Furniture field providing custom made furniture for clients to meet their medical and physical needs.

Andy Cox

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