How to Stay Healthy During the Festive Season
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With Christmas approaching, many of us are starting our festive shopping for gifts, home decorations, and delicious food and drink. Bedecking the house with twinkling lights is an annual tradition, but for many of us having one too many ‘cups of cheer’ and helpings of decadent treats is an equally vaunted tradition!
While celebrating the season with our loved ones often does mean letting loose our belts an extra notch to accommodate growing bellies, Christmas does not have to mean throwing all of your health goals straight out the window. Follow these simple tips to stay healthy this holiday season and start your New Year’s resolutions on the right foot.
Swap out your alcoholic beverages for healthier options
This is the season of parties, lavish meals and meetings with friends, and it is easy to let those alcohol units get out of control throughout December. Consuming too much booze adds heaps of calories to your daily intake, and can lead to dehydration and a nasty hangover. Instead of sipping a tipple at every function, consider switching to a healthier ‘mocktail’ of cranberry juice, plain soda water and lime – healthy for your heart and good for your hydration levels. If you do decide to stick with an alcoholic beverage, make smart choices and watch your sugar intake – red wine in moderation can be a heart-healthy choice.
Add some healthy (yet tasty!) snacks to the spread
Festive foods are notoriously unhealthy, and many of us use the decadence of the season as an excuse to splash out and consume things that we would normally limit! After all, this is the very definition of a special occasion. Not to worry – there are plenty of healthier substitutions that you can make this holiday season, and your loved ones will be so busy happily munching away that they won’t even notice. Now, we’re not suggesting that you forgo the traditional Christmas meal, but for snacking, why not try a rainbow platter of raw veggies served with a delicious homemade hummus dip? Next to the puddings, lay out a heaping tray of fresh fruit drizzled with dark chocolate, and place bowls of heart-healthy nuts around your home instead of the Milk Tray!
Even in the cold, put in the miles
In this colder and often inclement weather, it can be easy to give in to the urge to stay cosy and warm indoors instead of getting out and about. Even in this colder weather, it is important to stay mobile and active. Walks through the park, along the high street and at the seaside can all be beautiful and festive during the Christmas season, but do ensure that you are dressed warmly. If the ground is icy (or if the weather forecast calls for snow), ensure that your footwear is sensible and proceed with caution to prevent trips and falls. Is the weather simply too rubbish (or potentially hazardous) to venture outside? Try working out alongside a simple exercise routine designed specifically for seniors. Created so that all exercises are possible without specialised equipment, this easy-to-follow, 15-minute YouTube video can help you stay in shape even when the weather outside is frightful!
As you can see it is still possible to enjoy the season and stay on track with your diet and fitness goals. By following these simple holiday health swaps, you can ensure that your Christmas season is filled with health, happiness and glad tidings. Happy Holidays from our team to you and yours!
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