Hair Care Tips for Ageing Hair

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Our hair plays a vital role when it comes to our self confidence and happiness with our appearance. Whether it is long and flowing or short and curled, your hair’s texture, look and feel all play a role in your overall personal presentation.

So what happens when your hair no longer looks and feels the way that it once did? As we age, our hair naturally changes, and these changes can take many forms. Some men and women notice thinning (leading to balding), some find that their hair becomes thick and course, and most of us will find ourselves going grey (or even white).

Let’s face it – we’re all living longer than ever before, and this longevity exposes our hair to more environmental damage than previous generations faced. We think that living longer and having lovely hair do not have to be mutually exclusive!

Here are our top tips for dealing with brittle, frayed and dry ageing hair.

1. Deal with dehydration

Just like the tissues in your body, your hair can get dry and dehydrated, leading to an increase in brittleness and breakage. Treat your strands to a moisture rich treatment on a regular basis and you will start to see real results. Saturating your locks with coconut oil or mashed avocados can boost their natural oils, or you can invest in moisture rich masks and conditioners. We like the Boots Beautiful Hair Moisture and Nourish Mask for Dry/ Damaged Hair – it’s available all across the country, and one treatment is only £1.75. You’ll notice less breakage and fewer shed strands.

2. Prevent hair loss

After the age of 30, we all start to experience thinner hair, but for some the problem gets worse and worse. 50 percent of women will suffer from female pattern hair loss. This is both a genetic and hormonal condition, and it can cause thinning, sparse hair around the top of the head and crown. For men, the number is much higher. If you suffer from hair loss, try upping your protein consumption, and try to use shampoos and conditioners that include protein (protein helps strengthen the shaft). It’s also a good idea to avoid tight curlers or braids.

3. Nourish your hair from the inside out

Dealing with your hair health from the outside is important, but nutrition should never be ignored. Consuming hair specific vitamins is a great idea if you are trying to boost your hair’s health. Vitamin E supplements and bio silica drops are both good sources of hair healthy ingredients. Maintaining a well balanced diet with a wide array of fresh fruit and veggies, lean protein and plenty of healthy fats will all keep your hair (and your whole body) looking and feeling its best.

4. Lay off the hot styling tools

Many of us think nothing of setting our hair with hot rollers, using straightening irons or blasting our hair with a blow dryer. These hot styling tools can wreak havoc on your hair’s health, making it dry, brittle and course. Hot styling tools can also increase hair loss, so it is always a good idea to reduce your use of these dryers and straighteners as much as you can.

Andy Cox

Andy has worked for 12 years in the Mobility Furniture field providing custom made furniture for clients to meet their medical and physical needs.

Andy Cox

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