Can Adjustable Beds Help with Back Pain?

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Back pain can literally be the bane of your life. It’s a problem that affects millions, with statisticians estimating that around one in six adults have some form of back pain.

The good news is that acute (short-term) back pain may last for a few days or weeks, often resolving on its own.

If the pain persists for 12 weeks or longer, however, it falls into the category of chronic back pain. About 20% of people affected by acute low back pain develop chronic low back pain with symptoms persisting for at least a year.

Tips and tricks to resolve back pain

Thankfully, a variety of lifestyle changes can help lessen back pain:

  • Make a start by being honest with yourself about your lifestyle. Do you maintain a healthy diet? Bear in mind that being overweight can increase your risk of developing back pain, so adapt your lifestyle accordingly.
  • Turn to your home, work and transport. Is there something about your posture, the way you sit, stand, walk or exercise that could be a factor in your back pain?
  • Sleeping habits. What about the other third of your life, the time you spend in bed? Remember that it’s advised that we change our mattress around every seven years. If your mattress is getting old, perhaps it is having an impact on your sleeping position. Experts have found that people with musculoskeletal conditions who use a medium-firm mattress have reduced back pain and fall asleep quicker.

Can adjustable beds help with back pain?

Sleeping at an incline can have many benefits, as discussed in the article: Can adjustable beds help with sleep apnoea? It can also help alleviate medical conditions such as lower back pain and help achieve a restful night’s sleep. The body of an adjustable bed is designed to move at the touch of a button to a position that is ideal comfort-wise for sleeping or resting. In terms of easing back pain, an adjustable bed for back pain therefore makes it easier to experiment with different sleeping positions.

Press a button on the remote control to raise the lower portion of the mattress to a level that you find comfortable. As an alternative to using pillows and cushions, an adjustable bed makes it much more straightforward to put your legs up in bed – great news for people who find that sleeping with their legs and feet elevated reduces back pain.

If you’ve found that sleeping or resting with your back at an incline helps your back pain and your sleep, that is easily achievable via the simple handset. Some rotational chair beds can even help you stand up too.

How to use an adjustable bed for lower back pain

Experiment with different positions until you find a way of lying down that lessens your back pain. Consider keeping a record of positions that feel more comfortable to establish if patterns emerge. This could also help identify triggers of back pain.

One size does not fit all. Finding a “best position” for back pain depends on your age, size, weight and a whole host of other factors including your individual health condition.

Avoiding sleep disturbance

Disturbed sleep is associated with a risk of back pain but the relationship is two-way – ie back pain can lead to sleep disturbances too. Experts advise that “interventions to reduce sleep disturbances can help to improve health”. So positive measures taken to get comfortable in bed could make a world of difference to sleep, pain and quality of life. If you find you’re struggling with insomnia – particularly as you get older – you can find more advice in our blog: How to sleep well in older age.

How to choose an adjustable bed for back pain

There is no bed or mattress that will offer effective relief for all types of back pain. However, opting for an adjustable bed can increase your chances of finding a comfortable sleeping position and offer the opportunity of long-term support and comfort. You can have your adjustable bed for back pain made to measure, so that it fits your precise height, weight, size and takes into account your specific circumstances.

The bottom line

Living with back pain can be extremely difficult. However, making changes to your lifestyle can result in improvement in symptoms, as often back pain does ease over time. Consider the impact that night-time has on your back pain, be it the age of your mattress or your sleeping position. Adjustable beds are helpful in managing a variety of health complaints. Make sure you partner with a company who knows their product, understands your health issues, and is willing to work with you to find the best solution. Finding a bed that provides you with a little extra support may be the answer to helping you finally achieve a good night’s sleep..

Andy Cox

Andy has worked for 12 years in the Mobility Furniture field providing custom made furniture for clients to meet their medical and physical needs.

Andy Cox

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