Top 3 Health Benefits of Recliner Chairs

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A rise and recline chair can simplify your life and add extra comfort for anyone who has trouble getting in and out of a conventional chair. As well as comfort, riser recliner chairs are known for their many other benefits, including the prevention and relief of several heath and mobility issues.

Investing in this type of chair is a big decision, and you want to know it’s the right one for you. To make sure you have all the information to help you make your choice, here are some of the benefits that a new, customised chair can offer.

1. Better Sleep

While it’s not recommended that you only sleep in a recliner chair, it can be better for you if you have trouble sleeping in a bed. Sleeping in a recliner chair may alleviate some of the symptoms of several sleep-related conditions including:


Raising the head a little may prevent the tongue from slipping back and blocking the throat. This allows air to pass through more easily, instead of forcing it through a constricted space which causes the vibration of the surrounding tissues.


Elevating the head slightly above the heart during sleep has been shown to ease symptoms of asthma and allows for better quality sleep, making the condition more manageable overall.

Sleep apnoea

This condition is when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep, and it’s important to seek expert medical advice if you suspect you may have it. Sleeping upright can’t cure sleep apnoea, but by increasing the air flow to the lungs, it can decrease the instances of waking during the night. As well as improving the length and quality of sleep, it also helps alleviate symptoms during the day.

Mental wellbeing

Recliner chairs can help you sleep better and for longer because they ease the aches and pains that might normally wake you up in a bed. This extra shuteye not only increases the healing time for your body but can significantly improve your mood and energy levels during the day.

2. Improved Blood Pressure

Elevating the legs makes it easier for the heart to pump blood around the body by reducing the effects of gravity, especially on the lower limbs. This has a positive impact on:


Increasing the amount of blood flow around the body helps prevent fluid retention, which can lead to painful conditions such as swelling, cellulitis, thrombosis and varicose veins.

Healing time

Better circulation boosts the rate at which white blood cells are transported around the body, decreasing the recovery time needed after injuries or surgery.

Reduced risk of pressure sores

Sustained pressure on a single area can block oxygen supply, causing what used to be termed as bed sores. Recliner chairs and sofas help prevent this by distributing the body’s weight evenly across the joints and allowing the sitter to change positions easily and regularly.

3. Ease Pain

People who experience discomfort in bed or with an ordinary chair will benefit immensely from a customised chair, especially if they spend a lot of time sitting. By supporting the body in the reclined position, the right chair can reduce the severity of several common complaints, including:

Acid reflux

The burning sensation associated with acid reflux and heartburn is caused by stomach acids tipping back into the oesophagus, which happens when we lie down. Sleeping in an upright position keeps them in the stomach where they belong – good news if you’re inclined to enjoy a post-lunch snooze.

Neck and back pain

Made-to-measure chairs reduce the strain on muscles and joints by making sure the neck, hips, knees and feet are aligned. Pressure relief cushions protect the hips, back rests support the spine in its natural ‘S’ shape, and headrests take the strain off the neck.


Riser chairs that tip forward are suitable for anyone with limited upper body strength who may struggle to get themselves in and out of an ordinary chair without help. The adjustable positioning of a recliner chair means that the occupant can change position with a lever or button, saving them from having to lift and manoeuvre their own body weight, or have someone come and turn them.

Muscle stiffness

Several chair models come with an inbuilt motor massage function which helps to stimulate blood flow and loosens tense muscles, reducing stiffness and lessening general aches and pains throughout the day.

As outlined, our chairs can, of course, be tailored to your preferences. As well as being able to select your precise level of support, accessories and mechanisms, you can coordinate your chair with your existing room, choosing between fabrics, colours and upholsteries. If you’re still not sure, check out our handy guide on how to choose the perfect recliner.

The Bottom Line

The Mobility Furniture Company has an excellent range of rise and recline chairs, all built to the exact measurements of your body and engineered to provide fully supported comfort. The good news is that you’ll enjoy far-reaching health and lifestyle benefits from your new chair, regardless of your original reason for purchasing it.

For more information, get in touch with our specialist team by calling 0800 810 8816 or complete our contact form here, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

Andy Cox

Andy has worked for 12 years in the Mobility Furniture field providing custom made furniture for clients to meet their medical and physical needs.

Andy Cox

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*This website contains general medical information. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such. Read our full Medical Disclaimer here.