Are Adjustable Beds Good for Side Sleepers?

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How easily can you change your preferred sleeping position? According to studies, most people have to “train” themselves to sleep in a position which doesn’t feel right. Even then, they’re likely to revert to their favourite posture once they’ve nodded off.

So, if you happen to prefer sleeping on your side, it might be difficult for you to change to another position. In this case, however, that’s good news! Sleeping on your side on an adjustable bed (just like on a regular bed) may offers numerous health benefits compared to other resting positions.

Is side sleeping good for you?

Side sleeping encompasses simply lying on your side along with the more specific “yearner”, “log” and “foetal” positions. As the name suggests, the foetal position sees the sleeper slightly curled up wither on their right or left side, similar to a foetus growing in the womb. This position is opted for by around 40% of the population, and is more popular among women than men.

Although each is slightly different, all of the above positions offer numerous benefits that are associated with side sleeping. In fact, many professionals claim that sleeping on your side is one of the healthiest sleeping postures.

Benefits of side sleeping include:

  • Unobstructed airways – This reduces the occurrence of sleep apnoea, where breathing periodically stops and starts, which can lead to serious complications as well as snoring.
  • Improved spine alignment – This is true particularly if the spine is kept straight. Neck and back pain can be improved as a result.
  • Reduced symptoms of chronic pain conditions – Side sleeping may reduce symptoms of conditions such as fibromyalgia, and other causes of chronic pain.
  • More efficient brain activity – Sleeping on your side allows the brain to more efficiently rid itself of “waste chemicals” during the sleep cycle.
  • Aids digestion and reduces heartburn – Improved digestion has been observed in those who opt to sleep on their side over other positions.

Regardless of the position you sleep in, it’s important to have the correct bed in which you enjoy your slumber.

So, are adjustable beds good for side sleepers?

Due to their customisable elevation, adjustable beds are great for side sleepers. Their adaptable form works hand-in-hand with a side sleeping posture to allow maximum benefits from both the bed and the sleeping position.

Some of the advantages to side sleeping in an adjustable electric bed include:

  • Clearer airways – Adjustable beds can allow opening of the airways in a much more effective and hassle-free way than opting for multiple pillows. This can help combat sleep apnoea and several problems which may stem from this. Combined with side sleeping, an adjustable bed can offer minimal obstruction to the respiratory tract, which can also reduce snoring.
  • Support for joints – When one of the best sleeping positions for joints and spine alignment is combined with an adaptable supporting base such as an adjustable bed, the benefits can be even more noticeable. Particularly for the head and neck areas, adjustable beds help side sleepers find the perfect level of support.
  • Improved blood circulation – By slightly elevating the legs during sleep, blood circulation can be improved, which can also reduce swelling. Combined with sleeping on your side, which offers known benefits for blood circulation, further benefits may be experienced.
  • Better digestion and reduced acid reflux – In order to combat acid reflux doctors recommend elevating your head approximately six inches above the level of your feet and body whilst you sleep. Adjustable beds assist with this due to their built-in elevation. Side sleeping in an adjustable bed help therefore combats heartburn and aids digestion.

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Other considerations

Although side sleeping in an adjustable bed is a great way to alleviate sources of discomfort, it’s important to remember the following points to gain maximum benefit:

  • Use the correct mattress – Adjustable beds often require a special mattress which fits to the contours of the customisable bed base. Although mattress firmness is a personal preference, those who sleep on their side will often benefit most from a softer, but still supporting, mattress over a firm one.
  • Ensure you find the exact elevation for you – The beauty of adjustable beds is the control they offer over the exact elevation you would like. However, a small alteration can make a big difference to your body alignment. Take time to really work out the elevation levels which are best for you to gain maximum benefit from this bed type.

To summarise, adjustable beds are an excellent choice for side sleepers who want to ensure they enjoy a healthy and satisfying sleep. However, always remember that whichever sleeping position feels most comfortable for you is likely to offer the most undisturbed rest.

*This website contains general medical information. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such. Read our full Medical Disclaimer here.

Andy Cox

Andy has worked for 12 years in the Mobility Furniture field providing custom made furniture for clients to meet their medical and physical needs.

Andy Cox

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*This website contains general medical information. The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such. Read our full Medical Disclaimer here.